Tuesday 31 January 2012

Watch the trailer for PROM NIGHT

For our opening sequence of our thriller, we have gotten our ideas from this particular opening 'PROM NIGHT'. This is because the movies target market is for those aged between 16 -21 and this is also our target audience for our opening.From our research we also found out that our targets interests are shopping and music and this movie combines the two.

We thought about doing this stark black and white wash and adding the occasional hint of colour (IE. red blood in the sink) like in the film sin city

We thought this wash would be appropriate for our film because not only does it mess around with the convention of shadow and light, but also establishes the thriller genre more clearly and makes it less likely that the audience might interpret it as another teen drama or comedy and should take it more seriously.

However, we then realised that this kind of wash requires intricate lighting and alot more experience so we have decided to instead dull the tone on certain shots to create the effect without the complexity 

Tuesday 24 January 2012

Audience Research

This is the questionnaire used to give to an auidence of the ages between 16- 21.From this questionnaire i have formed pie charts with the results for each question. This has helped us with what our target audience want and like and from this have created a treatment about what our film would be about.

Monday 23 January 2012

'Armchair Thriller' Opening Analysis

Another suggestive opening sequence is in 'Armchair Thriller'. The opening basically consists of what it says on the tin (armchair thirller), but it is so suggestive that it could be mistaken for a horror opening.

From 0:15 to 0:20, the shadow/man looks very deformed as the lighting makes him arms and head looked detached, which creates a spooky affect. (We know it is the shadow of a man, so it looks as if the mans actual limbs are being torn off).

A shot that really is scary for the audience is at 0:30 when the shadow's/man's hands appear on the armchair. This slight movement sent shivers down my spine as it looks like the mysterious character is going to get up and attack the screen/audience.

Dexter opening analysis

In our final thriller opening, we have chosen to only use as little actors as possible, and instead use objects to suggest danger. One opening that used this technique perfectly is 'Dexter'.

Several objects are used in this opening to suggest that Dexter is a murderer. For example, an extreme close up of bacon being cut up is shown (0:45) so it resembled a persons skin is being slit. However, we then see close up of the bacon being fried in the pan. Just like the audiences emotions, the music also shows relief by becoming more slow paced (unlike before when violins were played and the music was deep).

Another shot/scene that I found intriguing is at 1:11. A orange is simply being cut in half, but the mise-en-scene and camera angle makes the audience think more than this. The background in this shot is a blood red and black, and both colours are associated with danger and death. Also, this shot has been edited to be slow paced, which allows to audience to focus on the orange juices splashing across the screen.