Tuesday 20 December 2011

Opening Credits Analysis -Se7en (1995)

The beginning of the film watch until 2 Min's 30 secs

By the opening credits of the 1995 film Se7en we can quickly establish that the genre of the film is Thriller, as it has many conventions of a thriller by the props used. The sequence has been fast paced edited and many transitions have been used to move from the titles to the images rather quickly to give a sense of disjointedness. This makes the audience feel confused and intrigued about the film. Throughout opening sequence of the film it has been edited to a sepia effect, with some flashes of red which connotes danger blood or death. The images that have been cut out or drawn on have been in black and white, this lets the audience distinguish the era of which this film has been set in. This sets the atmosphere, tone and the setting of the film throughout.

The names of the producers and actors look as if they were handwritten which twitch and flicker in white and fade out in the background.(image 1) This may emphasise on the unsettling atmosphere and may emphasise on the unstable mentality of the character.

Extreme close ups of distressing images in between the credits and the images integrate what would be happening throughout the film. The extreme close up of the images show an indistinguishable view of who this character may be and this would also simultaneously intrigue the audience further. The second shot however is a mid shot of a pair of disfigured hands which may suggest disturbance.(image 2) Also another shot is of a picture of a male and a black marker pen has crossed out his eyes.(image 3) The black background is very sinister as it highlights the importance of the image. The use of lighting and shadows also creates a sense of enigma.

Sounds have been over-laid to the opening sequence to increase the tension and anticipation of the film. The diegetic sounds, sound like a scratching of a pen creating an eerie feeling, as well as the sound of a heart beat electrical sounds and sounds of chains being moved up and down. The non diegetic sound track has a slow pace to start off with and cleverly starts to pick up pace as we go further in to the opening sequence. The only words we hear from the sound track is ‘ you bring me closer to god’ (first hyperlink 2:00)while the word God is being cut(image 4) out from which looks like a dollar bill. This may show that the film has some relation to religious beliefs and the connection between the mysterious character and God.

The mis-en-scene looks of a place of study either a library or classroom or in a home as the props used are everyday objects that surround us. From what we have already seen in the images it shows that this mysterious character is some sort unstable. As everything being cut drawn and stuck on is kept in a book (image 5) which may imply that this is very important to the character. Everyday objects e.g. cut up newspaper, water, pens, wire, paper. Negative strips from a camera, photographs and a bandage, a book. Were used as well as sharp objects such as, scissors, needles, tweezers and razors. This may illustrate that the character feels trapped in their environment and everything they feel is being reflected in this book. As we go on to the first few minutes of the film after the credits we can see that the detective (Somerset) and detective (Miller) are in a poor area where they are investigating a murder enquiry. This suggests that the character we saw who is still not identified may be from a poor area. This may reflect his behaviour of where he has been brought up. As the people do not look friendly as we see someone walk past a detective pushing them out of the way. (image 6)

Images (1& 2) (3& 4) (5&6)

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