Tuesday 7 February 2012

Thriller Treatment: BDD

From our research, we have established that thrillers are mainly watched by white females aged between 16 - 20, so we decided to attract this audience by basing our story on something that this target are typically interested in...prom night. Below is our treatment for 'BDD':

The movie is set in a schools prom night. Before anything else we see our prom queen lying in the rain with a knife through her stomach the camera backs away and we fade into a shot hours before. We at first see a girl (Belle) walking the opposite way of two girls in fancy prom gowns in a hall way. We then see the girl dressed in black reach for a door with dirty, bloody hands. The girl is then seen develpoing images of dead girls, and then getting ready (putting on a prom dress). She puts on her makeup carelessly as she drops several items, leaving red and black puddles and stains on the floor- these will create the credits by diforming into letters and words.

The film will include flashbacks of Belle's life and how she came to be the way she it but the entire film should be taking place withing the 3 hours of prom. Belle feels ambivalent to her mother, as she has always been a beauty queen, and never accepted that Belle doesnt want to follow in her mothers footsteps. her mothers pushy attitude leaves Belle with bitter memorys of her chilhood and her mother who died when she was 14, the police where never able to work out the cause of death.

As the film continues we are given and insight into emilys past and why she is the way she is but as the audience start attaching to Belle she begins planning her next killing; just when she had it good, she has to kill again, on prom night. Its a girly chick flick turned twisted as we find out all the bitter reasons Belle cant stop killing. The title is a play on words, it is the initials of her name (Belle Darcy Darrington) and also of a ocd condition (Body Dysmorphic Disorder).

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