Thursday 23 February 2012

Title ideas

'Orphan', 'Se7en', 'The Birds'... the title of a thriller is one of the most important aspects of the movie. By grabbing the audience's attention with a intriguing and thought-provoking title, it entices the audience to want to know more about the movie (and hopefully go and watch the movie to find out more). Stereotypically, thriller titles (like the examples given above) are very vague and quizzical, so we have tried to make out title conventional and also apply these same characteristics.

As a group, we had a range of ideas for the name of our thriller, but couldn't decide on one idea. So, to help us choose, we created a questionnaire with our 3 favourite title ideas, and handed them out to members of the public who fit into our target audience. Here was the feedback we received...

BDD: This title was chosen as it is the initials of our main character - Bethany Daisy Dawson - and her mental illness - Body Dysmorphic Disorder. Overall, there was positive feedback from this title as our audience did say it intrigued them to want to know more about the movie. However, the feedback did tell us that our audience didn't like the title because 'it didn't flow'. They found that the 3 letters were awkward to say straight after each other.

Prom Night: As a group, we all really felt that this was the best title for our movie as it was short and sweet and to the point, but after further research we found that this title was copyrighted. Another movie already had this title, and is in the same sort of movie genre as ours (it is classed as a horror-thriller). Despite this, we still asked our target audience how they felt about the title, but (luckily) they didn't like the title as some of our male audience said they would be relctant to watch it as it sounds 'girly' to them.

A Night At The Dance: Out of all the title ideas, this one had the most positive feedback. Although we felt that the title was quite long, our audience said that it was perfect as it gave them insight to what the movie would be about, but not enough information to stop any curiosity for the movie. Because of this, we chose this as the title of our movie.

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