Monday 30 April 2012

Flora BA Clarke - Question 7

In our preliminary task we wanted to focus most on getting to grips with the technology and thought about different techniques we could use for when we were shooting our final piece. However in doing this we overlooked the thriller conventions. From our audience research we found that most of our target market wanted to see comedies and so we focused on this during our preliminary and on looking back this made our film seem more of joke than a thriller. We also used speech as our way of telling things to the audience thus making things extremely obvious whereas in our final piece we used important symbols and motifs to hint at the outcome of our film. The techniques we used in our preliminary we very basic- shot reverse shot, zoom and continuity editing. In our final we used more advanced shots like a pan and extreme close ups. A major thing we learnt from the preliminary task was the rule of 180 and we took this into account during editing our final piece and had to flip some of our shots around. We also learnt about match on action and used this both in the preliminary and the final during both scenes with the door.

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